If you encounter difficulties opening a form while using Chrome, right-click the link to the form and choose Save link as... (which will bring up the download prompt to save it on your computer).

Travel Reimbursement Checklist 

          Review the Travel Reimbursement Checklist before completing the Travel Reimbursement Request Form

Travel Advance Request Form

Travel Reimbursement Request Form

Statement of Automobile Travel

Export Controls Foreign Travel Disclosure Form 

          Required in advance when traveling outside of the United States. Also required when transporting items/software/data/technology outside of the United States, to a foreign person in the U.S., or working with foreign persons, educational institutions and businesses.


Taxable Meal Payment Request & Authorization Form

Required when claiming a meal allowance payment or reimbursement for non-overnight travel.

RF Tax Exemption Certificates

New York State Tax Exempt Form

The Research Foundation for SUNY is also tax exempt in the following states: Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.  Contact AP/PO (Sherrie Manka or LaTisha Robinson) for a copy.