Research Foundation Conflict of Interest disclosures and conflict of interest management is facilitated by the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration via the RF’s Pre Award and Compliance System (PACS). All Investigators on sponsored projects are required to annually review and update their certification. Every September Investigators will receive an email notice from PACS prompting the completion and submission of the Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Certification, which must be submitted no later than November 1st.
Failure to complete the Annual Disclosure Certification by the November 1st deadline will result in a suspension of funds until the disclosure is submitted, reviewed and accepted.
Investigators submitting proposals to a Federal funding entity must update their certificate at the time of each proposal submission. In addition, the certification must be updated if interests change during the year.
Faculty and staff can log in to PACS using your Buffalo State credentials. Click PACS LOGIN below and select Buffalo State from the "Select your Campus" drop down menu under the Using Campus Login heading. Students must request an account; those who don't yet have a SUNY PACS account, can register for an account on this same login page. If you need assistance, contact Gina Game or Laura Leone.
CITI Conflict of Interest Training
CITI Conflict of Interest Training is required every four years. If your training is current, the information will automatically populate into the PACS SmartForm. If you have not completed Conflict of Interest Training within the past four years, you must take the CITI Program course before you can complete your Conflict of Interest Disclosure. To access this training, visit the CITI website and follow the directions below:
- Select REGISTER and enter SUNY - Buffalo State under Select Your Organization Affiliation. Check boxes and click Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password. Be sure to use your Buffalo State email when registering. The successful completion of this step will bring you to the Learner’s Menu.
- Will you be requesting CME / CEU credits for the course(s) you are about to complete if the cost per course (4-6 credits) is only $80.00/course? Choose No
- Learners will need to select the "add a course or update my learner groups" link from the Main Menu and select the appropriate question/option in order to enroll in the course.
- Question 5: Would you like to take the Conflict of Interest mini-course?
Choose one answer
√ Yes
□ No
- The software will track your progress throughout the training.
- After each module you will be prompted to take a short quiz before moving to the next module.
- The software also provides a grade book which shows you which modules you have completed, the scores you received on each of the applicable quizzes, as well as the modules you have left to complete. You are provided the option to retake any quiz for which you receive a low score.
- At the end of the training, a completion report will be provided to you by CITI. This report is based on the information provided by CITI administrators that document you have satisfactorily completed the required modules, as well as your verification that you have completed the required reading materials. An average of 80% or higher on the quizzes that follow each module is considered acceptable.
Should you have any questions regarding CITI training, please contact Gina Game, Research Compliance Manager.